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Spirual Incense Waterfall

Spirual Incense Waterfall is a ceramic incense cone holder, designed to make aromatic incense smoke fall downwards in a waterfall-like fashion. The core Spirual purchase also includes 10 differently scented incense cones made from wood infused with the essential oils used in the aromatherapy techniques.

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that uses essential oils to promote wellbeing. These oils have been extracted from natural substances like plants and flowers and are known to have beneficial properties when inhaled.

Spirual’s unique design looks beautiful in any home. Its captivating allure will have you feeling rejuvenated while its all-natural incense cones can provide a deeper level of aromatherapeutic relief.


电话。: +1 (980) 655-2515

公司: Bewell EU

公司编号: 305788600

增值税代碼: LT100014181910