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Do You Know Your body is Full of Toxins?

Do You Know Your body is Full of Toxins?

Signs of toxin build-up:

Zamagljeno razmišljanje
Skin Problems
Muscle Aches
Body Odor
Stubborn Weight

Improve your body and mind with an all-natural Japanese solution!

Traditional Wisdom: Nuubu Ginger was created inspired by Centuries-old traditional Asian wisdom, passed on by generations. True trust is earned by passing a test of time!

Natural Ingredients: Nuubu Ginger is made with natural herbs and herbal extracts. Forget about harmful toxicity and embrace the power of nature!

Holistic Care: Prevent Multiple Problems at Once by Helping Your Body to Remove Toxins Through Sweat.

Cost-Effective: Nuubu Ginger is an affordable solution to have all your cleansing needs met at the comfort of your home!

Štetne nečistoće koje napuštaju vaše telo

Wellness Benefits of Ginger

Immunity Booster

Ginger may boost your immune system. Upping your intake of rich natural ingredients like ginger may help you keep your immune system in the top shape.

Natural Ingredients

Using natural, herbal ingredients, you can harmonise your entire system. Experience the improved sense of wellbeing of both the mind and body, all while taking advantage of the unique natural powers of ginger to boost your wellness.

Treat your body holistically, from the inside out

Cleanse your system with the natural Nuubu Ginger Detox Foot Patches and take some time out to practice self-care. Natural therapy is a process that affects both the mind and body, bringing about a renewed sense of wellbeing.

You deserve an enhanced sense of wellness. Order your Ginger Nuubu Ginger Detox Patches Today!

100% prirodni sastojci i njihove prednosti

List lokvanja

Poznat po antioksidativnim, antiinflamatornim i antivirusnim svojstvima.


A natural immunity booster, which helps to fight off illnesses more effectively. Ginger can also speed up body fat burning, soothe upset stomach and rev up your energy levels!

Vitamin C

Snažan antioksidans koji će ojačati vaš imunitet, deluje kao sredstvo protiv starenja i zapaljenja.

Drvno sirće

Antibakterijski rastvor, uklanja neugodne mirise, upija vlagu, znoj i metabolički otpad.


Dragoceni mineral koji vam može pomoći da poboljšate proces detoksikacije.


Prirodno jedinjenje poznato po fungicidnim svojstvima i sposobnosti poboljšanja penetracije.

Houttuinia Cordata Thunb

Sadrži antiinflamatorna svojstva.


Dodatak vlaknima koji služi kao ukupna podrška drugim sastojcima.

List lokvanja

Poznat po antioksidativnim, antiinflamatornim i antivirusnim svojstvima.


A natural immunity booster, which helps to fight off illnesses more effectively. Ginger can also speed up body fat burning, soothe upset stomach and rev up your energy levels!

Vitamin C

Snažan antioksidans koji će ojačati vaš imunitet, deluje kao sredstvo protiv starenja i zapaljenja.

Drvno sirće

Antibakterijski rastvor, uklanja neugodne mirise, upija vlagu, znoj i metabolički otpad.


Dragoceni mineral koji vam može pomoći da poboljšate proces detoksikacije.


Prirodno jedinjenje poznato po fungicidnim svojstvima i sposobnosti poboljšanja penetracije.

Houttuinia Cordata Thunb

Sadrži antiinflamatorna svojstva.


Dodatak vlaknima koji služi kao ukupna podrška drugim sastojcima.

Prirodno uklanjanje toksina iz tela:
Neverovatan novi način da poboljšate svoj život

A Secret to a Stress-Free Living

Tired? Stressed? Fatigued? You are not alone - our lifestyles are extremely taxing on our bodies and minds alike. Nuubu Ginger Detox Foot Patch may help in removing accumulating harmful elements from your body, which can greatly improve your sense of wellbeing!

Traditional Wisdom gets Modern Upgrade

According to Asian traditional knowledge, the human body has over 360 acupuncture points, with more than 60 points found on the soles of the foot. Nuubu Ginger combines tried-and-true Asian techniques with a sleek and modern approach - attach the herbal-infused patches to your feet and wait for the toxin removal through your sweat glands. It has never been that easy!

Natural Approach

Are you tired of hazardous man-made chemicals being used in every aspect of your life? There is a better way to harmonize your lifestyle! Nuubu Ginger foot patches include natural herbs similar to ones found in the remote East-Asian mountainsides. Forget the harmful toxicity!

Kako se koristi Nuubu

Toksični elementi se akumuliraju u vašim stopalima. Nuubu Ginger flasteri za stopala pomažu da ih uklonite!

Korak 1:

Stavite flaster na sredinu stopala. Meka strana flastera treba da dođe u kontakt sa kožom.

Korak 2:

Stavite drugi flaster na drugu nogu ILI drugi deo tela sa kojeg želite da uklonite toksine.

Korak 3:

Ostavite flastere 6-8 sati. Preporučuje se nanošenje flastera pre spavanja.

Korak 4:

Odlepite flastere nakon 6-8 sati upotrebe. Operite noge i uživajte u osećanju blagostanju!

Osvojite 70% OFF popusta ako sada poručite. Požurite - dok traju zalihe!

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Nuubu 10-dnevni program detoksikacije: pre i posle

Pratite svoj svakodnevni napredak u uklanjanju toksina!

1. noć

5. noć

10. noć

Nuubu Ginger flasteri su prožeti korisnim vitaminima i elementima. U reakciji sa znojem ovi elementi izazivaju promenu boje flastera, koja bi posle upotrebe trebalo da bude vidljivo tamnija. Ovako znate da detoks deluje!

Najčešće postavljana pitanja

P: Kako funkcionišu Nuubu flasteri za detoks?

A: Nuubu Ginger je flaster koji kada se nanese na kožu, izaziva znojenje u predelu koji je prekriven flasterom. Na taj način Nuubu Ginger podržava prirodan način tela za uklanjanje toksina preko aktiviranih znojnih žlezda *

P: Da li su Nuubu flasteri pouzdani?

A: Nuubu Ginger su napravili vrhunski stručnjaci za tradicionalnu Japansku mudrost. Sastojci koji se koriste u Nuubu-u testirani su kroz generacije kako bi Vam pružili najbolje, vrhunsko rešenje za nakupljanje toksina.

P: Kako da znam da li Nuubu flasteri deluju?

A: Nuubu Ginger pomaže u izazivanju znojenja, a prema naučnim dokazima, znojenje pomaže u smanjenju nekih toksičnih elemenata u telu. Nuubu Ginger flasteri sadrže i delove natopljene raznim vitaminima i elementima. U reakciji na znoj, ovi elementi izazivaju promenu boje flastera. Dakle, ako se korisnik intenzivno znoji dok koristi Nuubu Ginger, boja flastera bi trebalo da bude vidljivo tamnija nakon upotrebe.

P: Koliko dugo treba da koristim Nuubu?

A: Pozitivni efekti Nuubu-a bi se trebali osetiti nakon nekoliko upotreba, međutim, slobodno koristite flastere za detoksikaciju sve dok osećate potrebu! Vaše zdravlje nema granica.

P: Da li Nuubu Ginger flasteri mirišu?

A: Da! Nuubu Ginger flasteri imaju biljnu, terapeutsku aromu.

P: Da li Nuubu Ginger flasteri imaju miris?

A: Nuubu Ginger flasteri ne sadrže nikakve veštačke mirise ili parfeme, što ih čini savršenim za osetljivu kožu. Međutim, mešavina biljaka i terapeutskih sastojaka ima prirodnu, biljnu aromu.

P: Kako da znam da li Nuubu Ginger flasteri deluju?

A: Nuubu Ginger flasteri počinju da deluju odmah nakon primene. Oni će početi da čiste vaše telo uklanjanjem svih nečistoća koje se nalaze u njemu*. Terapeutska aroma ovih biljnih sastojaka je još jedan način da budete sigurni da efikasno rade na čišćenju vašeg sistema.*

Ocene kupaca

Bryan Pruna Tobar
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

Excellent product, good quality, and the cost is great, 100% recommended friends, it is the best I have found for my health.

Doris Montiel
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

the best way to improve our health with these patches, they are natural and easy to use, I recommend them, my body is clean of toxins and I feel better

Kent Cernechez
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

I've been using Nuubu Ginger Detox Patches for a couple of months now, and it really refreshes my body. Really helpful for me, I totally recommend this to everyone.

Gideon Acromond
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

Nuubu Ginger Detox is the best! I never the knew my muscle aches was caused by toxin buildups in my body. I used Nuubu Ginger to get rid of it instantly! What I love about Nuubu Ginger is that, it's All-Natural.

Andrew Pearson
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

a product that surprises you a lot but for the better because it works totally very good indeed

Rommel Vincent Kwong
Proverena mušterija
Trustpilot zvezdice

All I can say in this product is very effective. It removes toxins from my body and improves the blood circulation on my feet. The ingredients are 100% natural. Will recommend this product to my family and my friends. Thank you for developing this product.

Promocija ograničenog vremena: 70% Off detoks zakrpe!

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*Pojedinačni rezultati mogu varirati