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Mutlu cildinize merhaba deyin!

Nuubu kağıt maskeleriyle cildinizi daha güzel hale getirin

  • Güzelleştirme: yüz cildinizin daha sıkı olmasını sağlar.
  • Yaşlanma karşıtı: gözenekleri sıkılaştırır, kırışıklıkları azaltır.
  • Canlandırıcı: yüzünüzü nemlendirir ve harika bir etki verir.
  • Doğal içerikler geleneksel Japon bileşenlerini içerir.

Cilt güzelliğinin temel taşları
Cildinizi canlandırmak hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey


Nuubu kağıt maskeleri cildinizi nemlendirecek ve en derin katmanlarına ulaşacak 25 ml güzellik özü içerir. Etkili nemlendirme yüz cildinizi gençleştirir: tam bir gençleştirme etkisi!


Nuubu kağıt maskeleri cildinizin toksinlerden arınmasına yardımcı olur, aynı zamanda cilt gözeneklerinizi de temizleyebilir. Nuubu yaprak maskelerinde bulunan aloe vera, avokado ve şeftali solüsyonu vitaminleri, mineralleri ve diğer besin maddeleri cildinizi rahatlatır.

Akne giderme

Aloe vera, shea yağı veya fındık özü gibi özenle seçilmiş bileşenler, sivilceye eğilimli ciltte sıklıkla meydana gelen tahrişi ve iltihabı hafifletmeye yardımcı olabilir. Nemlendirin, aydınlatın, toksinlerden arındırın ve tedavi edin: bunlar Nuubu kağıt maskelerinin dört temel taşıdır!

The Best Sheet Masks for Every Budget

Bu Teklifi Al

Benefits of Nuubu Sheet Mask


Reduces Wrinkles

Skin Hydration

Doğal Malzemeler

Soft & Glowing Skin

Flawless adhesion:

Lighten Dark Spots


Lighten Dark Spots

Flawless adhesion:

Soft & Glowing Skin

Doğal Malzemeler

Skin Hydration

Reduces Wrinkles

Nuubu Sheet Mask Rejuvenation Process: Amazing & Quick Results!

Dry, dehydrated skin

Start of rejuvenation process

Youthful, soft & smooth skin

Why pay a fortune at the spa for facials when you can get professional results from the comfort of your own home?

Softer, smoother skin is just a sheet mask away!

Nuubu face masks are created using the carefully selected Asian ingredients: herbs, minerals & fruit. Nuubu nourishes your skin with vitamins and minerals, tightens the pores (protects from aging) & moisturizes your face to achieve the greatest wellness + beauty results.

You can purify and revitalize the skin of your face with these hydrating and nourishing sheet masks. Skin will look and feel younger and healthier and you will be left with a glowing radiance.

Take the time to practice some self-care today!

Kullanım sırasında görün

Adım 1

Wash your face with warm water.

Adım 2

Put the mask on, sit back and relax for 15-25 minutes.

Adım 3

Carefully peel off the mask and discard it.

What are the Benefits of Nuubu Face Masks?


25ml of beauty essence reach the deepest layers of your skin making your face skin tighter, increases transparency;


provides vital vitamins & minerals to your skin, tightens the pores & reduces wrinkles;


moisturizes your face to great effect;

Flawless adhesion:

professional results from the comfort of your own home.

Get the healthy glow that everyone desires with our hydrating and revitalizing sheet masks!

Nuubu team takes great care to deliver you the highest quality moisturizing face masks: our dedicated skin care specialists have perfected the traditional techniques to meet the highest modern standards. Adopting the Japanese style ultra-fiber sheet Nuubu face masks are soft and feel gentle on your skin, their thin material and excellent adhesion qualities provide a safe and effective beautification method.

Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

S: How effective is Nuubu sheet face mask?

C: Active ingredients in Nuubu face masks are effective in helping to prevent skin aging, moisturizing & providing your face skin with vital vitamins and minerals. Nuubu masks are inspired by time-tested Japanese skin care techniques modernized and optimized for the greatest possible beautification results.

S: How often should I use face masks?

C: For optimal skin improvement, try using sheet masks once or twice per week. However, there is no limit to how often you can use it. Please, apply the mask whenever you feel the need to do so.

S: Can I go to sleep after putting on a Nuubu face mask?

C: No: Nuubu face masks should not stay on your face for longer than approx. 25 minutes. If you leave the mask on for too long, it may dry out and start pulling moisture back out of your face.

S: How should I store Nuubu sheet masks?

C: Please store them in a dark, dry environment & out from the reach of children.

S: Are there any safety concerns while using Nuubu face masks?

C: Nuubu face masks are safe to use! However, please refrain from applying it to your skin if you have allergies or if your skin was recently damaged.